Solarpunk Summit Presents the Midnight Rainbows Bifröst New Years Event

Do you want to ELEVATE your New Year Experience?
Solarpunk nightlife is lit and lifted. From our elevated states of being, we party with the deepest intention and joy. This is a whole-tribe event. Children are welcome at no additional cost. We will be organizing, with your support, areas of childcare that keep us connected to our loved ones as we step onto the shimmering path.
This New Year, instead of being in the presence of those getting wasted to step into a new chapter, let's take an epic intentional 2-day journey in the highest vibrational music surrounded by beings of light... We'll be casting midnight rainbows from the Solarpunk Summit Midnight Rainbows Bifröst Event.
Join us on the Shimmering Path!
The Bifröst in Norse mythology is the rainbow bridge between earth and heaven. Bifröst translates to the shaking or shimmering path. This speaks to the ephemeral nature of the way.
This is a very special time in our history. As systems dissolve, we can choose to step onto a brighter path, with innovators, entrepreneurs, and spiritual guides leading the way.
The Solarpunk Summit is a gathering of leaders, builders, dreamers, lovers, and healers.
This New Year's activation is an opportunity to express your commitment to walking the path to that more beautiful world as we harness the collective attention and intention and make our resolutions for 2024 in community.
What to expect
Alchemical DJ's
Community Kitchen led by The Kaya Cafe
Fire and Drums
Live painters
Vendors curated for New Year transformation
Beautiful glamping and indoor accommodations.
When: December 31, 2023, 11:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Location: (Son's Blue River Camp) 2769 Sherrill Road Kingsbury, TX 78638
Cost: From $77 for adults, Free for Children
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